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Ryan Vergara @Pinoyguy75

Age 36, Male

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Intro to Legend of Zelda Fanfic

Posted by Pinoyguy75 - January 29th, 2008

So one day awhile back when I finished a L(egend) o(f) Z(elda) game I realized that I have played almost all of its games and not on purpose mind you. Just some weird coincidence I guess. So I wondered how all the games tied together and apparently only the creator know of the timeline (he planned it out)and everything else is speculation. After making my own theory I was bored and looked around on the forums and saw some fanfics and found some real life LoZ videos (which frankly sucked). Afterwards I started thinking about my old marching band shows and BAM! the perfect idea for my own fanfic on the LoZ series with a little twist to it. So I had the perfect ending and after finishing it I thought of a great intro and a year later here I am working on the story again. So here's the intro (revised after some criticisms form the writing crew).

"The Firebird is a magical creature that is one of a kind. Almost immortal, the firebird dies in flames and rises from its ashes. Its memory has vast amount of information spanning many lifetimes. Its feathers are very special, they never fall unless the Phoenix lets go of it. The feather by itself is indestructible and can return to the creature if called and will always be felt by the Firebird. Its flight is like no other, a sight of sights. To see the firebird in flight would be like watching a river of fire in the sky. Some say it may be the pet of Din, let on the world she help create to help those in need and those truly special. A meeting would be like talking with a god." With those words, Link, the son of Ras, was off to find himself.

Ras is a great warrior, descendant of a family of secret heroes, like Jaft before him and Kas before him. Along their journey's they have met many people of special talents and positions who without them, the evil that threatened this world would have succeeded in taking control. Although this help is only given to a chosen few, it is wasted on many. So through one journey of self fulfillment came generations of heroes that the world will never know. This journey usually begins at the age of 13, when it is most important in a person's growth.

Link has spent years training in the ways of the sword and only has the task of finding a material and making one himself to complete his sword training. So this is why Link leaves home with only a shield made of wood and a grappling hook, but no sword. He leaves in search of the first stop on his journey, a secret Goron civilization, unknown to the world; they are the protectors of all Gorons.

Villains will always have a hero to fight and the good will always have evil to challenge it.

Intro to Legend of Zelda Fanfic


Nice fanfic, homo. Go back to Fanfiction dot net, faggot.

Hey its okay if you like men, no judgment here.